45.94 (0%)
As of Dec 20, 2024
First Business Financial Services, Inc. [FBIZ]
Company Overview
First Business Financial Services, Inc is a registered bank holding company incorporated under the laws of the State of Wisconsin and are engaged in the commercial banking business through our wholly-owned banking subsidiary, FBB. All of our operations are conducted through FBB and First Business Specialty Finance, LLC (“FBSF”), a wholly-owned subsidiary of FBB. FBB operates as a business bank, delivering a full line of commercial banking products and services tailored to meet the specific needs of small and medium-sized businesses, business owners, executives, professionals, and high net worth individuals.
Country | United States |
Headquarters | madison, wisconsin |
Phone Number | 608-238-8008 |
Industry | finance |
CEO | Corey A. Chambas |
Website | www.firstbusiness.bank |