SLOOS: Additional Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey data available in DDP and historical data revision
Published - Dec 02, 2022, 01:06 PM ET
Last Updated - Feb 09, 2023, 12:31 AM EST
The Data Download Program (DDP) for the Senior Loan Officer Opinion Survey will be extended on October 7, 2019 to include series for large and other banks for all currently reported series for domestically chartered banks in the DDP, in addition to the currently reported data series for all domestically chartered banks. The new data series reported by bank size may be selected using the "Bank Size" menu in the "Build your Package" tool. A new data series, "SUBLPDMCO_N.Q", that reports the total assets value which delineates large banks from other banks in each survey, is also now available. The bank size variable can be selected under the "Memo" data set in the "Build your Package" tool.In addition to these new data series, historical values of several existing data series will be revised as follows: Values for the series reporting net changes in standards, terms and demand for C&I loans from domestic banks for large and middle market firms have been revised for surveys prior to 1997. Prior to 1997 domestic banks were asked about standards and demand for large firms and separately about standards and demand for middle-market firms. The revised series net banks responses across the two questions about changes in standards to large and middle market firms and net banks responses across the two questions about changes in demand to large and middle market firms. Previously the series were generated by averaging banks' responses across the two sets of questions. o The revised series include SUBLPDCILS_N.Q, SUBLPDCILD_N.Q, SUBLPDCILTC_N.Q, SUBLPDCILTL_N.Q, SUBLPDCILTM_N.Q, SUBLPDCILTQ_N.Q, SUBLPDCILTS_N.Q. The responses prior to 1995:Q2 to questions about reasons for tightening or easing of standards and weakening or strengthening of demand for C&I loans have been revised. Prior to the 1995:Q2 survey, the wording of the questions on reasons for tightening or easing C&I loans standards or reasons for stronger or weaker demand asked banks to rank reasons from most important to least important on a 1 to 5 scale, with 1 being most the important reason. The current questions ask banks to characterize the set of reasons as being very important (value = 3), somewhat important (value = 2) or not important (value =1). Prior to the 1995:Q2 survey, reasons ranked 4 or 5 or unranked are labeled as not important (value = 1), reasons ranked 3 and 2 are labeled as somewhat important (value = 2), and reasons ranked as 1 are labeled as very important (value =1). The revised data series correct instances in which this mapping scheme was not followed. o The revised series include SUBLPDCIRECN_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRECS_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRECV_N.Q, SUBLPDCIREIN_N.Q, SUBLPDCIREIS_N.Q, SUBLPDCIREIV_N.Q, SUBLPDCIREON_N.Q, SUBLPDCIREOS_N.Q, SUBLPDCIREOV_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTCN_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTCS_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTCV_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTIN_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTIS_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTIV_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTON_N.Q, SUBLPDCIRTOS_N.Q, and SUBLPDCIRTOV_N.Q.The data series observations listed below have been corrected. In the case of observations being corrected to n.a. the number of respondents was insufficient to produce meaningful data. The GSE-eligible mortgage series had been incorrectly set to n.a. These series were presented correctly in the release tables.o The series for demand for subprime mortgages (SUBLPDHMDS_N.Q) has been corrected to n.a. in 2016:Q2, 2017:Q2, and 2018:Q1. o The series for standards on subprime mortgages (SUBLPDHMSS_N.Q) has been corrected to n.a. in 2018:Q1. o The series for standards on GSE-eligible mortgages (SUBLPDHMSE_N.Q) has been corrected from n.a. to -11.1 in 2017:Q4.