The Board's H.4.1 statistical release, "Factors Affecting Reserve Balances of Depository Institutions and Condition Statement of Federal Reserve Banks," has been modified to reflect a revision to the loan restructuring adjustment associated with the revolving credit extended to American International Group, Inc. (AIG). In addition, the release has been modified to incorporate fair value adjustments associated with the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF).
Consistent with generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP), the AIG revolving credit extension has been reduced by a revision of $1,255 million to the loan restructuring adjustment. The restructuring adjustment is related to the loan modification that eliminated the floor on the Libor rate, announced on March 2, 2009, and that was first incorporated in reported figures beginning with the July 30, 2009, H.4.1 release. The restructuring adjustment recognizes the economic effect of the reduced interest rate on the revolving credit facility and will be amortized over the remaining term of the credit extension. The revised restructuring adjustment incorporates quarterly updates as of December 31, 2009, of estimates of factors such as interest rates and future cash flow streams that are used to value the original loan restructuring adjustment. The Federal Reserve expects that the credit extension, including interest and commitment fees under the modified terms, will be fully repaid.
The weekly average balance of the credit extended to AIG shown in table 1 reflects holdings from March 25, 2010, through Wednesday, March 31, 2010.* The balance for the first six days of this reporting week reflects the loan restructuring adjustment prior to its revision. The balance for the final day of the reporting week reflects the revised loan restructuring adjustment.
Several items on the release have been modified to include fair value adjustments associated with the TALF. A fair value adjustment to the TALF loans extended by FRBNY is recorded in "Other Federal Reserve assets" in table 1 and "Other assets" in table 10 and in table 11. This fair value adjustment of $557 million reflects the value of the future interest received by FRBNY that is paid to the TALF LLC to provide credit protection. The adjustment is substantially offset by a corresponding increase in the fair value of the liability to the U.S. Treasury related to its beneficial interest in the TALF LLC recorded in "Other liabilities and capital" in table 1 and "Other liabilities" in table 10 and in table 11. The fair value adjustments associated with the TALF will be updated quarterly.
* This cover note was revised to reflect the correct dates of the reporting week. The original cover note listed the dates for the previous reporting week.