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LeRoy T. Carlson Jr.

Also Known As Carlson

CEO of Telephone & Data Systems

LeRoy T. Carlson Jr.'s profile picture

LeRoy T. Carlson, Jr. is president and CEO of Telephone & Data Systems, Inc.(TDS)

Carlson joined the company in 1974 as a vice president. He was named president in 1981 and chief executive officer in 1986. Carlson is also chairman of the board of TDS’s publicly traded subsidiary U.S. Cellular.

Prior to joining TDS, Carlson held several positions with Singer Company. Previously, he was an auditor for Arthur Andersen LLP.

Carlson is a member of the Harvard Club of Chicago and the Harvard Business School Club of Chicago.


  • MBA - Harvard Graduate School of Business
  • BA - Harvard College


  • Telephone and Data Systems - CEO
  • Telephone and Data Systems - President
