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Ronald J. Kruszewski

Also Known As Ronald James Kruszewski

CEO of Stifel Financial

Ronald J. Kruszewski's profile picture

Ronald J. Kruszewski is a Chairman & Chief Executive Officer at Stifel Financial Corp, Inc.(SF)

at Stifel, Nicolaus & Co., Inc., a Chairman, President, Chief Executive Officer & Director at Stifel Nicolaus & Co., Inc., a Chairman at Downtown Now!, a Member at St. Louis Chapter of World Presidents Organization, at The Regional Business Council and at Young Presidents' Organization (St. Louis). Mr. Kruszewski was previously employed as a Non-Executive Chairman by RFID Corp., a Chairman by Century Securities Associates, Inc., by Downtown STL, Inc., a Managing Director by Robert W. Baird & Co., Inc., a Chief Financial Officer & Managing Director by Baird Financial Corp., a Member by The Horatio Alger Association of Distinguished Americans, and by Young Presidents' Organization, Inc. He received his undergraduate degree from Indiana University.

Early Life


  • Undergraduate degree - Indiana University


  • Stifel Financial Corp - CEO
  • Stifel Financial Corp - Chairman
