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Shunichi Suzuki

Also Known As Suzuki

Minister of Finance of Japan

Shunichi Suzuki's profile picture

Shun'ichi Suzuki is a Japanese politician who serves as minister of finance since October 2021. He is serving in the House of Representatives as a member of the Liberal Democratic Party.

A native of Tokyo Metropolis and graduate of Waseda University, Suzuki and his wife belong to political dynasties: former Prime Ministers Zenkō Suzuki and Tarō Asō are respectively his father and his brother-in-law; his wife Chikako is related to Heikichi Ogawa and Prime Minister Kiichi Miyazawa. Suzuki was elected for the first time in 1990. He served as Minister of the Environment from 2002 to 2003 under Jun'ichirō Koizumi.

Suzuki has been appointed as Minister for the Tokyo Olympic and Paralympic Games twice.

Political positions :

Suzuki is affiliated to the openly revisionist lobby Nippon Kaigi, and is a member of the Shikōkai faction of the LDP. He gave the following answers to the questionnaire submitted by Mainichi to parliamentarians in 2012:

in favor of the revision of the Constitution

in favor of the right of collective self-defense (revision of Article 9)

against the reform of the national legislature (unicameral instead of bicameral)

in favor of reactivating nuclear power plants

against the goal of zero nuclear power by 2030s

in favor of the relocation of Marine Corps Air Station Futenma (Okinawa)

in favor of evaluating the purchase of Senkaku Islands by the Government

in favor of a strong attitude versus China

against the participation of Japan to the Trans-Pacific Partnership

against a nuclear-armed Japan

against the reform of the Imperial Household that would allow women to retain their Imperial status even after marriage

Early Life

Shun'ichi Suzuki born on 13 April 1953 . Tarō Asō is Suzuki's brother-in-law


  • Graduated - Waseda University


  • Finance of Japan - Minister

Other Activites

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), Ex-Officio Member of the Board of Governors (since 2021)

Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Ex-Officio Member of the Board of Governors (since 2021)
